Please pay particular attention to the following rules, they are for everyone’s benefit and safety.

Candy or Giveaway Items: Throwing candy or anything from vehicles, floats, or while walking along the parade route is prohibited. This creates a very dangerous situation for youngsters running into the middle of parade vehicles, or reaching their hand out under wheels. Walkers must distribute candy or approved novelty items while walking on parade route, in a safe manner, no throwing allowed! If you ignore a request from the marshals to stop, your group will be escorted out by the police and your participation in next year’s parade will be denied. If your group violates this rule we are not responsible if anyone gets hurt. You will be held personally liable for any accidents. It is your job as a group leader to make sure EVERYONE in your group knows this.

Real or Fake Guns, are NOT PERMITTED except as part of a Military or Police unit.

Noise: No blowing of loud horns or sirens that drown out Irish music played by bands and dance groups. When you are waiting at the reviewing stand and the group in front of you is performing, please stop your music so you do not drown out the group in front of you!

Drinking & Barbequing: No alcoholic beverages or Barbequing of any type are permitted in vehicles in the parade, in the staging area or in the line of March. This rule will be strictly enforced.

Buses: All buses should arrive at designated times and unload at assigned area. The Hamilton Police will direct bus drivers to assigned parking areas.

Costumes: Costumes that enhance the spirit of the parade are encouraged. Please dress warmly, but make sure to present yourself so others will see you favorably.

Dancers & Band Performances at the Reviewing Stand: All PREAPPROVED Band and dance units will have a limited performance.

Music: Appropriate Irish music may be played along the parade route.

Signs: Signs with the name of your organizations or individual, or referring to the theme are permitted. Other signs or placards must be previously approved by the Parade Committee 30 days prior to the parade.

Vehicles: All vehicles in the line of March will be of an open variety (convertible, pickup truck, flatbed trailer) all others must be approved by the Parade Committee 30 days in advance of the parade. Float or Trailer Height is the same as the NJ Dept of Transportation. Insurance certificates or cards must be placed on the dashboard so Parade Marshals can see them clearly.

Late Arrival: All groups arriving late on the Day of the Parade will be placed at the end of the Parade.

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